Next Event: Webcast From Merigar


On September 27th it will be four years since the Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu left this life on earth.

Our proposal for this week has the main purpose to offer to Dzogchen Community practitioners from all over the world the opportunity to get in touch with each other and to get to know more about the activities, initiatives, proposals that the different Gars and Lings are organizing, 4 years after the disappearance of our Master.

PROGRAM (TIME IN CEST time – Streamed in open webcast)

Saturday 24th September

9.30-11 am Vajrasattva practice combined with the 25 spaces of Samantabhadra, from Merigar, onsite and online

11.15 – 12.45 am practice of the Guru Yoga of the white A from Merigar, onsite and online

3.30-4.45 pm Vajrasattva practice combined with the 25 spaces of Samantabhadra, from Merigar, onsite and online

5 – 6.45 pm practice of the white A Guru Yoga, from Merigar, onsite and online

Sunday 25th September

9.30-11 am practice of the Guru Yoga of the white A, from Merigar, onsite and online

11.15 – 12.45 am Vajrasattva practice combined with the 25 spaces of Samantabhadra, from Merigar, onsite and online

5.15 pm Ganapuja, from Merigar, on site and online

6.30 pm Practice of Dance for the Benefit of Beings and Om A Hum Dance, in presence at Merigar and online – open to all guests

Monday 26th September

9.30 am practice of the Guru Yoga of the white A, from Merigar, onsite and online

11.15 – 12.45 am Vajrasattva practice combined with the 25 spaces of Samantabhadra, from Merigar, onsite and online

4 pm opening of the week with a brief greeting from the Vice President of Merigar

4.20 pm video about the 40 years of Merigar, onsite and online

4.30 pm presentation by Tsegyalgar East and West with: a brief presentation of the Gars,  projection of a video of the Master,  Guruyoga of the white A

Tuesday 27th September

8.30 am Practice of Vajrasattva combined with the 25 spaces of Samantabhadra, from Merigar, onsite and online

10.00 am Practice of the Guru Yoga of white A, from Merigar, onsite and online

11.30 am Practice of Vajrasattva combined with the 25 spaces of Samantabhadra, from Merigar, onsite and online


    – opening with a video of the Master in which he speaks in general about the Community and the need to continue and disseminate the Teaching and aspects of Tibetan Culture
    – brief introductory speech by the Vice President of Merigar in which he presents the subsequent interventions of the Community Bodies, which aims to inform how everyone is moving forward in their own institutional activities, how they collaborate with each other and what programs they have in mind to carry on      short Guruyoga with A and Song of the Vajra
    – 10-minute speeches each by, ATIF, IDC, ASIA, MACO, SSP, DYNAMIC
    – Conclusions by the Vice President Merigar and announcement of an upcoming series of events with an international footprint
    – The fire mountain. A brief look into Merigar Today.

6:30 pm Ganapuja with the Invocation of the Lamp

Wednesday 28 September

10.00 am speech by Namgyalgar with

    a brief presentation by a representative of the Gar on the latest developments in Namgyalgar.
    Guru yoga of the white A
    Dance of the 3 vajras

4 pm speech by Tashigar Norte

    with a brief presentation by a representative of the Gar
    Presentation from the Community of Merida
    Short Practice of Gomadevi 

Thursday 29 September

10 am speech by Dzamling Gar with

    a brief presentation by a representative of Dzamling Gar
    an informal visit to Dzamling Gar featuring recent development, people & activities
    explanation of Dzamling Gar song and dance by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
    Practice together – Dzamling Gar song and dance & dancing Khaita together

4 pm speech by Kunsangar North e South,

    a brief presentation by a representative of Kunsangar North
    Video of the Master in Kunsangar North and about current situation
    a brief presentation by a representative of Kunsangar South
    Video about recent activities in the Gar
    Ödzer Chenma practice
    final words and announcements

Friday 30th September

10 am speech by Merigar East with

    a brief presentation by a representative of Merigar East,
    projection of a video of the Master in the Gönpa of Merigar East
    presentation of the two main projects, Gönpa Renovation and  Merigar East Oasis.
    karma yogi and work exchange invitation
    Guru yoga of the white A

4 pm speech by Tashigar Sur with

    a brief presentation by a representative of the Gar
    Presentation and video from Rinpoche’s retreat in Tashigar South.
    Presentation and video of Rinpoche on teaching the Vajra Dance to the sangha of Tashigar South.
    Presentation and video of the Vajra Dance:

• Video of Khalondorjeikar (12A) by the Sangha of Buenos Aires.

• Video of Om Ah Hum Dance by the sangha of Peru.

• Video of Om A Hum Dance by the sangha of Chile.

·      Presentation and video of the practice of Shitro

Saturday 1st October

10 am presentation by Samtengar 

    Video containing a presentation by a representative of the Gar
    An introduction of Samtengar history
    Clips of the Master in Samtengar
    Various programs and courses including the major international teachers
    Video of the practice of the Three Vajras dance

10:30 am presentation by Gephelling, Jamyangling and Jampalling

Program still to be defined

Final greetings from the Vice President of Merigar

Following Khaita Joyful Dances, from Merigar and online